As an avid reader, I’ve come across countless books that have had an impact on me. However, there are some books that I hold dear and have left a lasting impression on my life. In this post, I want to share my top 5 favorite books that have enriched my life and explain why they are so meaningful to me.
1. “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach
This book is close to my heart as it was gifted to me by my mentor, with a personal message. It is a timeless classic that teaches us to pursue our dreams with unwavering determination. The story revolves around a seagull named Jonathan who is determined to fly higher and faster than any other bird. This book has always inspired me to go beyond limits and chase my dreams.

2. “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down” by Haemin Sunim

This book is a collection of reflections and meditations that encourage us to slow down, appreciate the present moment, and find inner peace. Open up any page and you will find only wisdom and solution to all the problems. I often re-read some pages when I feel down and it makes me not give up on things.
3. The “Shiva Trilogy” by Amish Tripathi
How can I not read India’s leading author’s books? The Shiva Trilogy is a modern retelling of Hindu mythology that explores the life of Lord Shiva. The books are a perfect blend of history, mythology, and fiction, and take us on a journey through ancient India. I’ve always been fascinated by mythology, and this series has brought ancient stories to life in a modern context. Moreover, I love the language, tone, and vocabulary of the book.

4. “Ramchandra Series” by Amish Tripathi

Like the Shiva Trilogy, this series is a modern retelling of Hindu mythology, this time exploring the life of Lord Ram. I find this series particularly compelling because it explores the moral dilemmas faced by the characters, and sheds light on the complexities of their actions. Each book in the series focuses on the characters Ram, Sita, and Raavan leading to the fourth book War of Lanka. I am mesmerized by the author’s writing and his vast imagination as well as his knowledge of Hindu Mythology. For people who want to begin reading as a habit, I recommend starting with Amish Tripathi’s books.
5. “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott.
I vividly remember when I was around 15 years old, I had a chapter in my English textbook about a family that fed a poor family on Christmas morning. That story had stuck in my head since then. A few years later I found that the chapter was an extract from the timeless classic Little Women. I immediately began reading and was moved. This classic novel is a heartwarming story of family, friendship, and growing up. The book’s relatable characters, vivid descriptions, and timeless themes of love, loss, and sisterhood have made it a beloved classic for generations. What moved me most is the character Josephine, who did not give up on her dream and challenged the stereotypes. The author surely was way ahead of the time and therefore the book has impacted many generations.

In conclusion, these books have enriched my life in different ways, whether it’s teaching me to pursue my dreams, find inner peace, or explore the complexities of mythology and human nature. These books have not only entertained me but have also helped me grow as a person. I hope you’ll consider reading them too! Happy reading!